Cut your website load time on mobile

Aug 12, 2013, by admin

In this day and age time is of the essence, especially when it comes to browsing the Internet. We all want if not need the loading times to be quick. For the desktop, load times have dramatically improved over the years, however it is a different story when it comes to mobiles.

Google had done an research and set that average mobile browser page takes 7 seconds to load. It feels that anything lasting over a second breaks a user’s flow. This is made worse with the mobile internet access being unstable and unreliable. So its advice is: cut your website’s load time to below two seconds, or face the consequences.

To help developers improve the speed of webpages, Google have updated the PageSpeed Insights tool. It can accurately time the load speed of websites across a number of platforms, show how it all appears on mobile and give optimization suggestions

To know more see the Google webmaster official Blog