Free link manager software php scripts

Apr 02, 2012, by admin

Ink manager software will totally automate your link exchange! Here is how your reciprocal link exchange will work with LinkManager .Webmaster John is interested in exchanging links with your site,He ads a link to your website on his links page (or any other page on his website),He submits the “Add a link” form on your site,LinkManager  verifies that a reciprocal link to your site has indeed been added, A few more automated checks to verify everything is OK and the new link automatically appears on your links page!It’s that simple! In the LinkManager admin manager panel you have a special tool that will crawl all URLs where your reciprocal link should be. If a reciprocal link isn’t found LinkMananager  will automatically remove the missing link from your links page.

  1. <?php
  3. // Detailed information found in the readme.htm file
  4. // File last modified: 1.7 @ April 18, 2009
  5. /* Password for admin area */
  6. $settings[‘apass’]=’admin’;
  7. /* Your website URL */
  8. $settings[‘site_url’]=’’;
  9. /* Your website title */
  10. $settings[‘site_title’]=”My lovely website”;
  11. /* Your website description */
  12. $settings[‘site_desc’]=”This is a brief description of my website.”;
  13. /* Show “add a link” form on the bottom of links page? 1 = YES, 0 = NO */
  14. $settings[‘show_form’]=1;
  15. /* Send you an e-mail everytime someone adds a link? 1=YES, 0=NO */
  16. $settings[‘notify’]=0;
  17. /* Admin e-mail */
  18. $settings[‘admin_email’]=’’;
  19. /* Maximum number of links */
  20. $settings[‘max_links’]=10000;
  21. /* Allow generation of new pages; 1=YES, 0=NO */
  22. $settings[‘allow_pages’]=1;
  23. /* Number of links per page */
  24. $settings[‘max_per_page’]=30;
  25. /* Approve links manually? 1=YES, 0=NO */
  26. $settings[‘man_approval’]=0;
  27. /* URL of the approve.php file on your server */
  28. $settings[‘url_approval’]=’’;
  29. /* Prevent automated submissions (recommended YES)? 1 = YES, 0 = NO */
  30. $settings[‘autosubmit’]=1;
  31. /* Checksum – just type some digits and chars. Used to help prevent SPAM */
  32. $settings[‘filter_sum’]=’5fcbd40c97e1497d88ae4e8fc53e7a8d’;
  33. /* Enable SPAM filter? 1=YES, 0=NO */
  34. $settings[‘spam_filter’]=1;
  35. /* Block superlatives from title and description? 1=YES, 0=NO */
  36. $settings[‘superlatives’]=1;
  37. /* Use normal links? 0=NORMAL, 1=REDIRECT ALL, 2=REDIRECT RECIPROCAL ONLY */
  38. $settings[‘clean’]=0;
  39. /* Add rel=”nofollow” attribute to links? 0=NO, 1=YES, 2=FOR RECIPROCAL ONLY */
  40. $settings[‘use_nofollow’]=0;
  41. /* Where to add new links? 0 = top of list, 1 = end of list */
  42. $settings[‘add_to’]=1;
  43. /* Name of the file where link URLs and other info is stored */
  44. $settings[‘linkfile’]=’linkinfo.txt’;
  45. /* Name of the file where banned websites are stored */
  46. $settings[‘banfile’]=’banned_websites.txt’;
  47. /* Display website URL after Title? 1=YES, 0=NO */
  48. $settings[‘show_url’]=1;
  49. /* Display Google PageRank? 0=NO, 1=YES, 2=IN ADMIN PANEL ONLY */
  50. $settings[‘show_pr’]=1;
  51. /* Minimum Google PageRank to accept website? A value from 0 to 10 */
  52. $settings[‘min_pr’]=0;
  53. /* Minimum Google PageRank of reciprocal links page? A value from 0 to 10 */
  54. $settings[‘min_pr_rec’]=0;
  55. /* Block links with rel=”nofollow”? 1=YES, 0=NO */
  56. $settings[‘block_nofollow’]=1;
  57. /* Block link from pages with meta robots nonidex or nofollow? 1=YES, 0=NO */
  58. $settings[‘block_meta_rob’]=1;
  59. /* Block duplicate entries (same website added more than once)? 1=YES, 0=NO */
  60. $settings[‘block_duplicates’]=1;
  61. /* Display website thumbnails? 0=NO, 1=YES, 2=FEATURED LINKS ONLY */
  62. $settings[‘show_thumbshots’]=2;
  63. /* URL of your thumbshots service */
  64. $settings[‘thumb_url’]=’’;
  65. /* Turn debug mode on? 1=YES, 0=NO */
  66. $settings[‘debug’]=0;
  67. /* Which sections to hide by default */
  68. $settings[‘hide’]=array();
  69. /*******************
  71. *******************/
  72. $settings[‘verzija’]=’1.7′;
  73. $settings[‘delimiter’]=”t”;
  74. if (!defined(‘IN_SCRIPT’)) {die(‘Invalid attempt!’);}
  75. if ($settings[‘debug’])
  76. {
  77. error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
  78. }
  79. else
  80. {
  81. ini_set(‘display_errors’, 0);
  82. ini_set(‘log_errors’, 1);
  83. }
  84. function pj_input($in,$error=0) {
  85. $in = trim($in);
  86. if (strlen($in))
  87. {
  88. $in = htmlspecialchars($in);
  89. }
  90. elseif ($error)
  91. {
  92. problem($error);
  93. }
  94. return stripslashes($in);
  95. }
  96. function pj_isNumber($in,$error=0) {
  97. $in = trim($in);
  98. if (preg_match(“/D/”,$in) || $in==”)
  99. {
  100. if ($error)
  101. {
  102. problem($error);
  103. }
  104. else
  105. {
  106. return ‘0’;
  107. }
  108. }
  109. return $in;
  110. }
  111. ?>