Goodbye Winamp

Nov 25, 2013, by admin

If you downloaded a song in the late 1990s and early 2000s, you most likely did it with Winamp. This week, the world said goodbye to the legendary media player with plenty of nostalgia.winamp will stop its service at Dec 20

In 1996, Winamp — short for “Windows Amplifier” — was created and released by computer programmer Justin Frankel. He went on to start his company Nullsoft (a parody of Microsoft’s name) a year later.

Fifteen million people downloaded Winamp in a little over a year after its release. It allowed users to not only easily play music on their computers complete with playlists, an equalizer, and Pink Floyd light-show-worthy visualizations, it also inspired fans to make their own player skins to share with others.

AOL was finally pulling the plug on Winamp. Winamp’s Web site posted this statement: “ and associated Web services will no longer be available past December 20, 2013. Additionally, Winamp Media players will no longer be available for download. Please download the latest version before that date. See release notes for latest improvements to this last release. Thanks for supporting the Winamp community for over 15 years.”

Nullsoft’s founders, past employees, and fans gathered on Reddit to pay their respects to the company and the player it created.

“Just wanted to thank everyone for all the support over the years,” Nullsoft co-founder Tom Pepper posted on Reddit. “While we haven’t been involved with Nullsoft since the early 2000s it was incredible what you all did both for us, and for music. Our only goal was ever to make the tool we wanted to use, and it seemed to resonate with you all very clearly!”

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