How to avoid mistakes in web design during designing a website

Jul 13, 2012, by admin

web-designing-3Designing a website may be easy but to make it real usable for users to solve their problems is a really challenging.

Steps to avoid mistakes in web design during designing a website

1.Be sure that you are providing information. The homepage of the website should be self-descriptive about its purpose, so it makes visitors understand about what the website is all about in seconds, to take a decision that whether it is functional for them or not without wasting much of their precious time. It should give proper information about the company’s products and services in the home page or About Us page.   

web-design2.Don’t overdo it with font usage. Use of fancy fonts which may give sophisticated look to your website may just show to be unreadable and may even deter people away from your page. It will fail to convey your message to the visitors. At the same time, visitors should be comfortable enough to read the content for which the fonts should not be tiny.

web-design-13.Always use ALT and TITLE attributes. ALT and TITLE attributes should be used for every XHTML tag on the website that supports them. These attributes make it useful to browsers, when your site is visited through browsers that do not support images and/or videos.

web-designing4.Do what you can to make sure the page loads quickly. Pages of the website should get loaded fast so that visitors don’t get bored by waiting until the page gets fully loaded. Slow loading may happen due to use of large files of graphics, and it may become slower, if the visitor is using a dial-up Internet connection.

web-designing-15.Don’t go overboard with the use of Flash. Excessive use of Flash may annoy visitors. Flash should be used only if needed, as it may also become a reason of increasing the loading time of the page.

website-designing-26.Don’t use background music or pop-ups. Background music in the website may annoy the visitor, which then leads to only choice for the visitor (and that is to leave the website). Pop-ups coming up again and again on clicks may also irritate visitors at certain levels.

website-designing-37.Provide Contact details. Contact details should be included in the website. Otherwise, it is of no use for you if you are not willing to get feedback or inquiries on how to make your site better.
