How to make a text input using html

Jul 28, 2012, by admin


HTML forms are what you need for getting user input. But first, you need to make a text box! Here is a easy tutorial on how to make a text box if you’re using Windows.

Steps make a text input using html

Create an HTML page. To do that, open up Notepad or any other plain text editor. On Windows, you can access Notepad via the Start Menu, at: “Accessories”, then “Notepad”. Or, use the Windows key + R, then type notepad and press enter.

Put in the code. Write the normal tags (<html><head></head><body></body></html>), and it should look like:

Now that you have the base code, you’re ready to make a form to hold the text box and then make the text box.

  Between the two body tags, (<body> and </body>), type: <form name=”test”>.

    Next the actual input element, type: <input type=”text” name=”textie”>.

    Finally, close the form tag, type: </form>.

Save the page. Click “File”, “Save As”, and then save it as test.html. Or, save it as anything.html.

Open up the window and see your new text box!

Using JavaScript, now you could make the text box do something in conjunction with a button!

If you want to put some text before the input box to explain what it is, do so before the <input> tag.