How to Set Parental Controls for the iPhone App Store
Nov 10, 2014, by admin
- Turn on and unlock your iPhone.
- Press the home button, which can be found on the bottom of the device. This may either exit your program, or, if you are already on the home-screens area, may take you to the default installed-apps Home screen.
- If the second, press the Home button once again.
- Tap the “Settings” app icon.
- Tap the “General” button setting.
- Scroll the list down just a little bit. You’ll eventually see the “Restrictions” tab come waltzing up the screen into view.
- Tap the “Restrictions” setting button.
- Tap the “Enable Restrictions” button.
- Set up a pin, or, if you already have one installed on your device (to later access and disable the controls), type your passcode into the device to enter these settings.
- Locate the feature you’d like to disable on the iPhone. As far as the App Store goes, there are three main settings you can disable: “Installing Apps”, “Deleting Apps”, “In-App Purchases”.
- Locate the swipe bar to the right of the setting you’d like to disable.
- Swipe your finger to the left on the swipe bar that corresponds to the feature you’d like to disable.
- Scroll down the list. You’ll see another setting come up. It’s called just “Apps” underneath “Allowed Content”. Tap this setting.
- Tap the “Don’t Allow Apps” setting, if you don’t want apps to be displayed at all on your iPhone’s screen.
- Tap the “Restrictions” back button to save your new restriction settings.
Here the above method will make you fell safe hope it will be an useful post for more post like this follow us at our Facebook page Bugtreat Technologies