How to use display property in css

Jul 06, 2012, by admin

display-property-in-cssIf you want to be a web page developer than the knowledge of CSS which is known as cascading style sheets is most important. Without the help of css you cannot design the page as you like. One of the most important feature of css is it helps the designer to design the page in a very simple way. There are various properties used in css to design the page amongst which display is a property which is used in most cases.

Steps to use display property in css

1.Know the order of display. The display property specifies an element’s display type and can supersede an element’s display type. For example block level elements can be redefined as inline elements so that extra lines will not be placed between them.

The allowed values for display under css1 are inline, block, list-item and none. The none value completely removes an element from the document tree and unlike the hidden value of the visibility property, none does not preserve an element’s canvas space.

For example if you want to show the paragraph as inline then you have to write p   {display: inline;}

2.CSS 2 adds run-in, compact, marker, table, inline-table, table-row-group, table-header-group, table-footer-group, table-column, table- cell and table-caption.