osCommerce Tutorial – How to Customize osCommerce Store Catalog

Jun 13, 2012, by admin

osCommerce TutorialThe next step is to include categories that will contain the products you will be selling in your store. To do that, please open the Catalog category from the administrator’s index page and click on Categories/Products. You will be taken to a page where the default categories are being displayed. You will be able to edit or delete an existing category, or add a brand new one.

After clicking the New category button the page will refresh and a box for the new category name will appear in the right column.

oscommerce catalog customization step1Since osCommerce is a multi-language shopping cart you can add category names for the installed languages. You can also select an image to represent the specific category (images are optional and you can ignore warnings for a missing image). It can be uploaded from your local computer. The last thing to do before clicking the Save button is to select the order number for the category. The lower the number – the higher in the list your new category will appear (zero will represent the top of the list).

Next you should add a product to your new category. Open it and click on New Product.

Select whether you have the product in stock or not. Then pick the availability date and the manufacturer. Type in the name of the product on the languages you have installed and decide whether the item is assessable or not; select the Net and the Gross prices.

oscommerce catalog customization step2Enter the product description, the quantity of the product and its model. Images can also be uploaded from your local computer – osCommerce automatically creates a thumbnail. If you are linking to an external product page, please enter the address without the http:// part for the specific languages. Last thing to add is the product weight, since this will help in determining the shipping costs. When done, hit the Save button to keep the product or Cancel to skip this entry.

oscommerce catalog customization step 3When you insert the product, you will be taken to the category/product list. If you wish to move the product in another category, click on Move, select the desired category from the drop-down list and click the Move button again.

oscommerce catalog customization step 4You will be able to see the new addition at the top of your product list when you visit the store. The new item will also increase the count of items in the chosen category.