PHP Scripts for SEO Automatic Backlinks Generator

Mar 28, 2012, by admin

This is a very simple to set up practically self maintaining php script that can be simply install and ran on any shared web hosting contributor or any web server with PHP and MySQL access. This script has unlimited power by creating a limitless amount of backlinks for anyone who runs it while providing a FREE Service to everybody else Google has proclaimed only just that they are going to CRACK down on the Sales of Backlinks.

  1. <?php
  2. if ( isset($_GET[‘prefix’]) && preg_match(‘/^[a-zA-Z0-9]{15,17}$/’,$_GET[‘prefix’]) ){
  3. // no session
  4. $prefix = $_GET[‘prefix’];
  5. include ‘securimage.php’;
  6. $char_length = 4;
  7. $chars = ‘ABCDEFHKLMNPRSTUVWYZ234578’;
  8. $chars_num = ‘234578’; // do not change this or the code will break!!
  9. // one random position always has to be a number so that a 4 letter swear word could never appear
  10. $rand_pos = mt_rand( 0, $char_length – 1 );
  11. $captcha_word  = ”;
  12. for ( $i = 0; $i < $char_length; $i++ ) {
  13. // this rand character position is a number only so that a 4 letter swear word could never appear
  14. if($i == $rand_pos) {
  15. $pos = mt_rand( 0, strlen( $chars_num ) – 1 );
  16. $char = $chars_num[$pos];
  17. } else {
  18. $pos = mt_rand( 0, strlen( $chars ) – 1 );
  19. $char = $chars[$pos];
  20. }
  21. $captcha_word .= $char;
  22. }
  23. $img = new securimage();
  24. $img->code_length = 4;
  25. $img->image_width   = 175;
  26. $img->image_height  = 60;
  27. if(isset($_GET[‘ctf_sm_captcha’]) && $_GET[‘ctf_sm_captcha’] == 1) {
  28. $img->image_width   = 132;
  29. $img->image_height  = 45;
  30. }
  31. //set some settings
  32. $img->nosession = true;
  33. $img->prefix = $prefix;
  34. $img->captcha_path = getcwd() . ‘/temp/’;
  35. if(file_exists($img->captcha_path . $prefix . ‘.php’) && is_readable( $img->captcha_path . $prefix . ‘.php’ ) ) {
  36. include( $img->captcha_path . $prefix . ‘.php’ );
  37. $img->captcha_word = $captcha_word;
  38. } else {
  39. $img->captcha_word = $captcha_word;
  40. }
  41. $img->use_multi_text = true;
  42. $img->use_transparent_text = true;
  43. $img->text_transparency_percentage = 20;
  44. $img->num_lines = 3;
  45. $img->perturbation = 0.6; // 1.0 = high distortion, higher numbers = more distortion
  46. $img->multi_text_color = array(
  47. ‘#6666FF’,’#660000′,’#3333CC’,’#993300′,’#0060CC’,
  48. ‘#339900′,’#6633CC’,’#330000′,’#006666′,’#CC3366′,
  49. );
  50. if (isset($_GET[‘difficulty’]) && $_GET[‘difficulty’] == 1 ) {
  51. $img->perturbation = 0.5; // 1.0 = high distortion, higher numbers = more distortion
  52. $img->num_lines = 2;
  53. $img->multi_text_color = array(‘#6666FF’,’#660000′,’#3333CC’,’#993300′,’#0060CC’);
  54. }
  55. if (isset($_GET[‘difficulty’]) && $_GET[‘difficulty’] == 2 ) {
  56. $img->perturbation = 0.7; // 1.0 = high distortion, higher numbers = more distortion
  57. $img->num_lines = 6;
  58. }
  59. if (isset($_GET[‘no_trans’]) && $_GET[‘no_trans’] == 1) {
  60. $img->use_transparent_text = false;
  61. }
  62. $img->charset = ‘ABCDEFHKLMNPRSTUVWYZ234578’;
  63. $img->ttf_file = getcwd() . ‘/ttffonts/ahg-bold.ttf’;   // single font
  64. $img->line_color = new Securimage_Color(rand(0, 64), rand(64, 128), rand(128, 255));
  65. $img->image_type = ‘png’;
  66. $img->background_directory = getcwd() . ‘/backgrounds’;
  67. $img->ttf_font_directory  = getcwd() . ‘/ttffonts’;
  68. $img->show(”);
  69. if(!file_exists($img->captcha_path . $prefix . ‘.php’)) {
  70. if ( $fh = fopen( $img->captcha_path . $prefix . ‘.php’, ‘w’ ) ) {
  71. fwrite( $fh, ‘<?php $captcha_word = ” . $captcha_word . ”; ?>’ );
  72. fclose( $fh );
  73. @chmod( $img->captcha_path . $prefix . ‘.php’, 0755 );
  74. }
  75. }
  76. unset($img);
  77. exit;
  78. } else {
  79. // session
  80. include ‘securimage.php’;
  81. $img = new securimage();
  82. $img->code_length = 4;
  83. $img->image_width   = 175;
  84. $img->image_height  = 60;
  85. if(isset($_GET[‘ctf_sm_captcha’]) && $_GET[‘ctf_sm_captcha’] == 1) {
  86. $img->image_width   = 132;
  87. $img->image_height  = 45;
  88. }
  89. //set some settings
  90. $img->form_num = 1;
  91. if (isset($_GET[‘ctf_form_num’]) && is_numeric($_GET[‘ctf_form_num’]) && $_GET[‘ctf_form_num’] < 100){
  92. $img->form_num = $_GET[‘ctf_form_num’];
  93. }
  94. $img->use_multi_text = true;
  95. $img->use_transparent_text = true;
  96. $img->text_transparency_percentage = 20;
  97. $img->num_lines = 3;
  98. $img->perturbation = 0.6; // 1.0 = high distortion, higher numbers = more distortion
  99. $img->multi_text_color = array(
  100. ‘#6666FF’,’#660000′,’#3333CC’,’#993300′,’#0060CC’,
  101. ‘#339900′,’#6633CC’,’#330000′,’#006666′,’#CC3366′,
  102. );
  103. if (isset($_GET[‘difficulty’]) && $_GET[‘difficulty’] == 1 ) {
  104. $img->perturbation = 0.5; // 1.0 = high distortion, higher numbers = more distortion
  105. $img->num_lines = 2;
  106. $img->multi_text_color = array(‘#6666FF’,’#660000′,’#3333CC’,’#993300′,’#0060CC’);
  107. }
  108. if (isset($_GET[‘difficulty’]) && $_GET[‘difficulty’] == 2 ) {
  109. $img->perturbation = 0.7; // 1.0 = high distortion, higher numbers = more distortion
  110. $img->num_lines = 6;
  111. }
  112. if (isset($_GET[‘no_trans’]) && $_GET[‘no_trans’] == 1) {
  113. $img->use_transparent_text = false;
  114. }
  115. $img->charset = ‘ABCDEFHKLMNPRSTUVWYZ234578’;
  116. $img->ttf_file = getcwd() . ‘/ttffonts/ahg-bold.ttf’;   // single font
  117. $img->line_color = new Securimage_Color(rand(0, 64), rand(64, 128), rand(128, 255));
  118. $img->image_type = ‘png’;
  119. $img->background_directory = getcwd() . ‘/backgrounds’;
  120. $img->ttf_font_directory  = getcwd() . ‘/ttffonts’;
  121. $img->show(”);
  122. unset($img);
  123. exit;
  124. }
  125. ?>
  126. &nbsp;