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PHP Script for .NET Compact Framework Package

Mar 10, 2012

MW6 QRCode .NET CF package has three 100% managed code libraries for Pocket PC, Windows CE and Smartphone platforms, the libraries can produce QRCode format..

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Find out in What way to and

Mar 09, 2012

This Article demonstrates how to use meta tags within a website. The meta tags are comprised in the “Header” section of your HTML web page…

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How to Fix the 3-Column, Fixed Width

Mar 08, 2012

The three-column layout is perhaps the second mainly general layout used for websites. There’s typically a header and a footer – and then some content,..

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Hit counter PHP Scripts for any Html

Mar 06, 2012

A extremely easy Web Page traffic Hit counter. This FREE counter can be used in any html page with PHP support. This is free and..

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Overview Font Size in HTML

Mar 03, 2012

Overview Font Size in HTML Persuading the correct Font Size for Your Written Content When creating content for your website, you might feel puzzled over..

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Website Design Tutorial 5 – Links and

Mar 02, 2012

Website Design Tutorial 5 – Links and Menu Bars This HTML web design tutorial video will explain you the basics on how to add links..

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Microsoft liberates Windows 8 preview

Mar 01, 2012

Microsoft gave users their first prospect to download and play around with the company’s new Windows 8 operating system. It’s still only in “preview” mode,..

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Facebook aspects patent attack from Yahoo!

Feb 29, 2012

                  The firm, which was one of thesuperstars of the dotcom era but has resisted to keep..

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Samsung releases Galaxy Beam projector phone

Feb 28, 2012

The new Samsung Galaxy Beam phone accommodates a projector that can show films and pictures at up to 50”. The Beam is the first mainstream..

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Facebook Refuses Acquiring users' text messages

Feb 27, 2012

Social network says a Sunday Times report that it is using smartphone apps to acquire text message data is “totally wrong.” Facebook is being accused..

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