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Facebook Refuses Acquiring users’ text messages

Feb 27, 2012

Social network says a Sunday Times report that it is using smartphone apps to acquire text message data is “totally wrong.” Facebook is being accused..

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Google concurs to permit ‘Do-Not-Track’ Button in

Feb 25, 2012

Google Inc. will permit a “do-not- track” button to be inserted in its Web browser, letting users control the amount of data that can be..

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Dazzling iPhone 5 idea seems to be

Feb 24, 2012

The iPhone 5 might not be appearing any time soon, but that hasn’t ended artists and design firms from creating their own mock-ups. After considering..

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Google to broadcast TV Service for the

Feb 23, 2012

Google is planning to enter the paid TV business. The company filed an claim last week to offer video service to inhabitants of Kansas City,..

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Latest Methods And Guidelines For Seo Web

Feb 22, 2012

What accurately is Seo Development? It fundamentally refer to the process of optimizing and developing a website in order to strengthen its ranking, to build..

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Google stiffen its clutch on smartphone wallets

Feb 21, 2012

Google has guaranteed users of its smartphone wallets that the mobile-age technology frustrates steals better than old-school cash or credit cards. “Mobile payments are going..

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A Student (Glenn Mangham) Jailed for hacking

Feb 20, 2012

A software development student in the U.K. who hacked into Facebook via an employee’s account is jailed after being found guilty of stealing intellectual property…

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Twitter enhances privacy plans

Feb 18, 2012

Twitter says it will make privacy plans more open after it confessed copying whole address books from people’s smartphones and storing the information on its..

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New Twitter ascended to everyone as a

Feb 17, 2012

First exposed in December, the redesign aspires to make it easier for Web users to discover and discover the most important tweets and drifting topics…

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Opera launched Dragonfly Web Design and Developer

Feb 16, 2012

Opera, the Norwegian browser developer, has introduced the Dragonfly web design and developer toolkit . This new product has appeared as a collection of web..

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